                    Edward Albee an LGBT Playwright won the Pulitzer Prize for best drama, but it was overturned when                     the judging committee decided not to give a prize for the drama category. 

 State equality and discrimination bills

                   The American Civil Liberties Union announces its opposition to government interference in the private                    sex lives of consenting adults

                   James Baldwin, a celebrated author publishes Another Country. It creates controversy because it                    featured normalized depictions of gay relationships as well as characters who struggle with their                    sexual identities.

                    John Rechy an author publishes “City of Night” that documents a young man’s journey across the                     United States as a hustler.

                   Billy Strayhorn was an openly gay musician. He participated in many civil rights causes. As a                    committed friend to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., he arranged and conducted "King Fit the Battle of                    Alabama'" for the Ellington Orchestra in 1963 for the historical revue My People, dedicated to King

                    Another Gay sex scandal in Portland breaks out and is the subject of lurid headlines in news stories                     and headlines, including “They Prey on Boys.”

President John F. Kennedy

United States LGBT History for 1963

                    Maurice Sendak published “Where the Wild Things Are”. Francis Spufford suggests that the book is                     "one of the very few picture books to make an entirely deliberate and beautiful use of the                                       psychoanalytic story of anger". This story of only 338 words focuses on a young boy named Max                     who, after dressing in his wolf costume, wreaks such havoc through his household that he is sent to                     bed without his supper. Max's bedroom undergoes a mysterious transformation into a jungle                     environment, and he winds up sailing to an island inhabited by malicious beasts known as the "Wild                     Things." After successfully intimidating the creatures, Max is hailed as the king of the Wild Things                     and enjoys a playful romp with his subjects. However, he starts to feel lonely and decides to return                     home, to the Wild Things' dismay. Upon returning to his bedroom, Max discovers a hot supper                     waiting for him. 

          August 28 - ​Washington D.C.
                    Bayard Rustin, African American and gay rights activist, is the key organizer of the National March                     on Washington, during which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his famous “I Have a Dream”                     speech.