                    Bob Mizer a photographer founds the Athletic Model Guild. During a time after a war laws were in                     place that limited how men could be portrayed in printed form. Women could be displayed as                     publishers saw fit. The magazines had to be presented as a body building genre until the                                       government was engulfed in a lawsuit that lifted the restrictions on male photography.

                    LDS Presiding Bishop LeGrand Richards launched a continuing surveillance of church owned                     apartments to discover “evil practices” of tenants. J. Reuben Clark asks Bishop Gordon Burt Affleck                     to “organize a surveillance for possible homosexuals” in the steam room of the church-owned                     Deseret Gymnasium.

United States LGBT History for 1945

 State equality and discrimination bills

          Washington D.C.
                    First appearance of "bisexual" in the Congressional Record. Congressional Record: Proceedings                     and Debates of the 79th Congress, First Session. Vol. 91 pt. 10. February 20, 1945, p. A741.

          New York
                    The Quaker Emergency Committee of New York City opens the first social welfare agency for gay                     people, serving young people arrested on same-sex charges

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

          New York
                    World War II ends. The Veterans Benevolent Association is founded in New York by gay service                     members to fight the “blue discharge: system.” It is the first documented LGBT veterans group. They                     also partnered with the NAACP to help support gay black soldiers who were discharged from the                     military for their race & sexuality. The blue discharge was a nonconfrontational method for removing                     homosexuals from military service.