United States LGBT History for 1941

                    "Transsexuality" first used in reference to homosexuality and bisexuality. 

          January 1 - ​National
                    Although lesbians were not included in Hitler's prohibition of                     homosexuality, there is evidence to indicate that the black triangle                     was used to designate prisoners with antisocial behavior.                                       Considering that the Nazi idea of focused on children, kitchen and                     church, black triangle prisoners may have included lesbians,                     prostitutes, women who refused to bear children, and women with                     other "antisocial" traits. As the pink triangle is historically a male                     symbol, the black triangle has similarly been reclaimed by lesbians                     and feminists as a symbol of pride and solidarity Transgender                     Triangle The International Foundation for Gender Education is an                     educational and charitable organization addressing cross dressing                     and transgender issues. One of the organizations logos, this symbol                     combines the lavender color and the pink triangle shape with a ring                     denoting various genders all fused into one.

                    The Oregon Attorney General issues an opinion that physicians performing sterilization operations                     on “sexual perverts” have an absolute immunity from liability.

          Washington D.C.
                    In December, the United States enters World War II.

                    William Aalto came out to his military team and was subsequently removed from service. He spent                     the rest of his life writing poetry and is best known for “Dining Out With Doug and Frank”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

          Washington D.C.
                    The U. S. Selective Service System includes “homosexual proclivities” as a disqualifying condition

                    for inclusion in the military draft.

 State equality and discrimination bills

          ​Washington D.C.
                    Congress enacted a new solicitation law for the District of Columbia that labeled a "vagrant" any                     person who "engages in or commits acts of fornication or perversion for hire."

                    Through the end of this year, 182 men and no women have                     entered the Oregon Penitentiary for sodomy related charges;                     172 for sodomy, nine for attempted sodomy, and one for                     solicitation of sodomy.