Allen Irvin Bernstein is a world war II veteran and wrote “Millions of Queers (Our Homo America)” The research was lost until 2010.
Tennessee Williams after some early attempts at relationships with women finally accepted his homosexuality. He joined a gay social circle that included Donald Windham, Fred Melton, and Frank Merlo.
“MADAME FATAL,” a man who fights crime dressed as an elderly woman, first appears in CRACK COMICS #1 (Quality, May 1940), and in the next 21 issues.
New York
New York State Liquor Authority can legally close down bars that serve “sex variants”
United States LGBT History for 1940
Alfred Kinsey
Virginia Prince, a transgender person who began living full-time as a woman in San Francisco developed a widespread correspondence network with transgender people throughout Europe and the United States. She worked closely with Alfred Kinsey to bring the needs of transgender people to the attention of social scientists and sex reformers.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Virginia Prince
State equality and discrimination bills
Vladimir Horowitz a pianist started voluntarily accepting electroshock therapy to “change” his sexuality. He continued to struggle with stress and anxiety around his sexuality.
Bob Mizer a photographer that had come out at an early age began his career as a male photographer by taking photos of himself.
Vladimir Horowitz
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