United States LGBT History for 1919

 State equality and discrimination bills

                    Convicted of sedition, Marie Equi appeals to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.                     Charles Erskine Scott Wood, a prominent Portland attorney and philosophical anarchist, represents                     Equi. He emphasizes that citizens need free speech especially in time of war. “People don’t need                     constitutional guarantees at their picnics and prayer meetings,” he told the court. The judges upheld

                    the conviction. The US Supreme Court declined to review Equi’s case.

          Washington D.C.
                    Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt requests an investigation into “vice and                     depravity” in the sea services. A sting operation is launched in which undercover operatives attempt                     to seduce sailors suspected of being homosexual. At least 17 sailors are jailed and court-martialed                     before public outcry prompts the Senate to condemn the operation.

President Woodrow Wilson